Updates from Cloudera Fast Forward on new research, prototypes, and exciting developments
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Welcome to the May Cloudera Fast Forward Labs newsletter. This month, we have some new research, a livestream you’re invited to, and some recommended reading.

New research: Session-Based Recommendations

Session-based Recommender Systems cover image

Recommendation systems have become a cornerstone of modern life, spanning sectors that include online retail, music and video streaming, and even content publishing. These systems help us navigate the sheer volume of content on the internet, allowing us to discover what’s interesting or important to us. A key trend over the past few years has been session-based recommendation algorithms that provide recommendations solely based on a user’s interactions in an ongoing session, and which do not require the existence of user profiles or their entire historical preferences. Our Session-based recommender systems report covers:

Follow the links in the report to find code snippets so you can try it for yourself!

Fast Forward Live!

Fast Forward Live promo image

Join us live on June 2 at 9am PST for our third ever live stream. We’ll chat about our latest research output and take live questions. You can tune in here.

You can also still catch a replay of our previous livestreams: Few-Shot Text Classification and Representation Learning for Software Engineers.

Meta Learning

Also in us-speaking-about-things, our Research engineer Nisha will be speaking about Meta-Learning at OSDC: Europe on June 10th, 3:10 PM BST.

Some of our team share their favourite reads of the month: