Updates from Cloudera Fast Forward on new research, prototypes, and exciting developments
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Welcome to the August Cloudera Fast Forward Labs newsletter. This month, new research, a new webinar, and we welcomed Daniel, a new research engineer 🎉

New research! Inferring Concept Drift Without Labeled Data

After iterations of development and testing, deploying a well-fit machine learning model often feels like the final hurdle for an eager data science team. In practice however, a trained model is never final because the complex relationships that it abstracts are likely to evolve over time causing the model’s performance to deteriorate if not accounted for.

To combat this divergence between static models and dynamic environments, teams often adopt an adaptive learning strategy that is triggered by the detection of a drifting concept. This involves monitoring a performance metric of interest (such as accuracy) and alerting a retraining pipeline when the metric falls below some designated threshold. While this strategy proves to be effective, it requires immediate access to an abundance of labels at inference time in order to quantify a change in system performance - a requirement that may be cost prohibitive or outright impossible in many real-world machine learning applications.

Our latest research report focuses on approaches for dealing with concept drift when labeled data is not readily accessible. Check it out here: Inferring Concept Drift Without Labeled Data

Concept drift

Changes in the statistical properties of a target domain are referred to as concept drift and will cause the predictive performance of a trained model to degrade over time, making it obsolete for the task it was initially intended to solve.

Fast Forward Live!

This month our research lead Chris recently joined the Head of Developer Relations at Streamlit, Randy Zwitch, to demonstrate building and hosting interactive web apps in Cloudera Machine Learning. Read more about Enterprise Data Science Workflows with AMPs and Streamlit and check out the Automating Sharable AI Web Apps with Streamlit and Cloudera webinar replay!

Our previous livestreams:

Deep Learning for Automatic Offline Signature Verification

Session-based Recommender Systems

Few-Shot Text Classification

Representation Learning for Software Engineers

Our research engineers share their favourite reads of the month:

That’s all from us this month! Be excellent to each other ✌️